Friday, December 3, 2010

I have never been to Las Vegas but I wonder if it must look a little like this place. Guangzhou is another huge Chinese city. But this one is wildly decorated in lights of all colors and patterns. As I look out my window I see lasers shooting across a lake, paddle boats cruising up tha channel that are lit up in such a way as to look like a giant dolphin and a spinning windmill with neon lights on aLl the spinning spokes. It is truly remarkable. Currently the 2010 Asian Games are taking place here. So they may have it decorated more brightly than normal.
Molly got through her first plane ride without too much trouble. We were glad that the flight was just over an hour long. We have taken to calling her spider monkey because of how she constantly climbs, squirms and jumps. She was going full speed during this flight which meant that Paulas legs were pretty sore from all the jumping. If our flights back home are similar, we may be quite a bit more frazzled than what we had expected. We are all tired right now and doing good to just keep up with what day of the week it is. No matter how exhausted we are, we are all so ready to be home.
Mollys personality is coming through more each day. She is laughing much more and beginning to interact with people around us. All the Chinese people comment on how beautiful she is and how they ove her hair. So far she is the only Chinese person of any age that we have seen anywhere with curly hair. At least two have told us that they thought she was a western baby and not Chinese. Frankly we dont really care what her heritage is. God made her. He made her for us. We love her. What else matters. ("red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.).
Tomorrow Molly will have a medical exam. We hope to find out that she is perfectly healthy. There are several families with us who have adopted children with special needs such as severe cleft lip and palate to heart problems. Thwy have incredible challenges ahead of them. But because somebody loved them enough to leave their home, travel to a distant land, and pay whatever price and to to whatever length necessary to get that child, each of these lost, abandoned, little helpless orphan child will be taken to a new land and a new home where they will have their bodies restored. That sounds a whole lot like another story I began learning as a small child in Sunday School. That picture--That reflection of something and Someone so much greater is the main reason that adoption is such a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad yall are having a good time. Our prays are with you all and molly with her health exam. Can't wait till yall get home. Love yall. -Burchfields
